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Ready to take your brunch game to the next level? These crispy, fluffy, cheese-filled pancakes are exactly what you need! Made with 5 ingredients, these pancakes are not only irresistibly delicious, but so EASY to whip up!

ILIOS Feta Cheese Pancakes are the savoury delight your brunch needs!

Here's what you need:


  • 1 cup of Ricotta cheese

  • 2 eggs, separated

  • 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour

  • 1/2 cup of ILIOS Feta cheese

  • ILIOS Extra Virgin Olive Oil for frying


  1. Mix together the ricotta, egg yolks, flour and feta cheese.

  2. Whisk the egg whites into stiff peaks (about 4-5 mins.) and then add to the cheese mixture.

  3. Heat approx 1/8-1/6 inch of olive oil over medium heat in a heavy frying pan. (we recommend cast iron)

  4. Once the oil is hot, add enough mix to make 3-inch pancakes. Do not overcrowd the pan.

  5. Cook for 2-3 minutes, then flip and fry for an additional 1-2 mins. on the other side. The pancakes should be crispy and golden brown.

  6. Drain for a few minutes on absorbent paper before serving.


We can honestly say that we are indeed pickle lovers; just like a large chunk of our followers and the global population. But if we haven't tried pickle juice yet... are we ACTUAL pickle lovers?

We were shocked to discover that the benefits of drinking pickle juice just kept coming! Not to say pickles are particularly unhealthy but finding out the brine of our go-to marinated vegetable can help recover from a muscle injury? Wow.

Read on to find out how this salty thirst quencher can help you feel great!

Don't dump your pickle juice! Learn about the benefits of drinking this salty beverage.

1) Drinking pickle juice after a workout can help soothe muscle pains.

Why? No one is really sure. One theory is that the vinegar in pickle juice acts as a pain reliever by stopping nerve signals and consequently relieving muscle exhaustion.

2) Drop the Gatorade, put down the Powerade. Pass the pickle juice.

Full of sodium and potassium, pickle juice is the perfect drink to help your body regain electrolytes lost during a hardcore cardio session. BONUS! Pickle juice way cheaper than a commercial sports drink and is also low cal & fat free!

3) Load up on the antioxidants.

Pickle juice contains both Vitamin C and E which help protect your body from exposure to free radicals and boosts your immune system.

4) The healing effects of vinegar.

Several studies have observed that drinking vinegar every day may help you lose weight. Vinegar is the main ingredient in pickle juice. It also helps stabilize your blood sugar levels and is great for your digestive system.

5) It helps with bad breath.

Both vinegar and dill (a popular ingredient in pickle juice) have strong antibacterial properties that can kill bacteria in your mouth that causes bad breath.... you may have to live with pickle breath though!


Who doesn't like a good bottom? Artichoke bottoms that is!

Artichoke bottoms are definitely not as well-known as artichoke hearts but there is no reason they shouldn't be! In many Mediterranean countries, they are regularly served as a delicious appetizer or succulent main.

Here is one of our favourite ways to prepare our ILIOS Artichoke Bottoms:

There are so many creative ways to use ILIOS artichoke bottoms

Lemony Shrimp Artichoke Bottoms


  • ILIOS Artichoke bottoms (rinsed and drained)

  • Small shrimp (peeled and deveined)

  • ILIOS Extra virgin olive oil

  • 1/8 tsp. Cayenne

  • 6 tbsp. Unsalted butter

  • 3 tbsp. Parsley (chopped)

  • 2 tbsp. Lemon juice

  • Salt and pepper (to taste)


  1. In a large bowl, toss shrimp with 1 tbsp. of EVOO, cayenne and salt and pepper to taste. Cook in large frying pan over medium-high heat until shrimp is no longer translucent. (approx. 2 mins per side). Once cooked, transfer shrimp to clean bowl.

  2. In a small saucepan, melt butter over low heat. Once melted, add parsley. Let cook for 1-2 minutes and then whisk in the lemon juice. Remove from heat and add butter mixture into the bowl with the shrimp and toss.

  3. On a greased baking sheet, place artichoke bottoms (stem side down). Season with salt and pepper and pile 5-6 shrimp in the center of each artichoke, reserving most of the butter. Top with breadcrumbs and drizzle with butter. Bake for approx. 10 mins., until hot. Serve immediately.



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