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fall Detox: body and mind reset

Why you should do a Fall Cleanse?

Fall is a time of natural transition, to reset your system, slow down and restore your body's health.

Fall is time when we get ready for the “storing season” so our bodies should be cleaned and prepared for the winter months, both physically and emotionally. Physically, it helps to build the immune system up in order to prevent the common cold and flu and prepare your organs for colder months, and emotionally it helps attain a clearer and more focused mental state.

Where to start?

We found this mindbodygreen Mini-Guide To A 1-Day Detox perfect to start!

They recommend starting your day by flooding your body with antioxidants, thanks to a green smoothie. You can definitely prepare yours with your favorite ILIOS spinach.

ILIOS green smoothie, avocado, kiwi, lemon, citrus

What we love about this article is that not only you will clean your body but also your mind, focusing on what is the most important: meditation, word of gratitude, restoring sleep, walk, etc.

No more spoiling! Read it through and share with us your own tips to start this new season!


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